jungle mama: Gulf Fritillary is nectaring on native Lantana flowers
mamietherese1: Purple beauty
bsouthj: Dandilion
Jcsee: 埔里虎頭山夕照 Puli Hutou mountain sunset
GOR44Photographic@Gmail.com: Anemone Flower - May 2016
Hugo von Schreck: That's nature
Tonpiga: saltimpalo
Neotropical Pete: RUFOUS WREN Cinnycerthia unirufa in Morning Sunlight at the Yanacocha Reserve on Volcán Pichincha in ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.
danielusescanon: Mama leads the ducklings...
NaPix -- (Time out): Good morning
angelawilson2222: MORE NESTING MATERIALS NEEDED... By Angela Wilson
NicoleW0000: Puffin
Susan Newgewirtz: Ready or not here I come
Bob Eade: Marbled White (Melanargia galathea).
wildbird2015: DSC_9117 jpg
Holfo: Mother & Babies
craig goettsch: The Chase
jlcummins: Western wood pewee
Kaede Wu: 高蹺護雛 ( 黑翅長腳鷸 )
Linz27: Common Blue Damselfly
T@hir'S Photography: Birds fashion Week
Peanut1371: Heron with breakfast
Bob Eade: Large Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus)
Yako36: Estorninho Preto - Spotless Starling - Sturnus unicolor
Woodcock65: REDSTART....male....Powys
Crazybittern1: Flag Iris