holger5398: 2019-04-08_10-31-11
holger5398: 2019-03-19_01-33-15
holger5398: “The One (God) Who Loves.” Karl Barth. #Jesus
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: #AshWednesday
holger5398: 2019-03-05_01-40-34
holger5398: Also I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this stone I shall build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not withstand (overcome) it. Matthew 16:18
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: #GatesOfHell #WallOfSatan #StrongMan Matthew 16:18. Matthew 28:19. Mark 3:27
holger5398: Mercedes-Benz “Say The Word” Super Bowl Commercial 2019. Genesis 1:1-26. Matthew 8:8. #SayTheWord #Genesis1 #Matthew8 https://youtu.be/R84j8pmH-d0
holger5398: Mercedes-Benz “Say The Word” Super Bowl Commercial 2019. Genesis 1:1-26. Matthew 8:8. #SayTheWord #Genesis1 #Matthew8 https://youtu.be/R84j8pmH-d0
holger5398: Mercedes-Benz “Say The Word” Super Bowl Commercial 2019. Genesis 1:1-26. Matthew 8:8. #SayTheWord #Genesis1 #Matthew8 https://youtu.be/R84j8pmH-d0
holger5398: Mercedes-Benz “Say The Word” Super Bowl Commercial 2019. Genesis 1:1-26. Matthew 8:8. #SayTheWord #Genesis1 #Matthew8 https://youtu.be/R84j8pmH-d0
holger5398: Mercedes-Benz “Say The Word” Super Bowl Commercial 2019. Genesis 1:1-26. Matthew 8:8. #SayTheWord #Genesis1 #Matthew8 https://youtu.be/R84j8pmH-d0
holger5398: Mercedes-Benz “Say The Word” Super Bowl Commercial 2019. Genesis 1:1-26. Matthew 8:8. #SayTheWord #Genesis1 #Matthew8 https://youtu.be/R84j8pmH-d0
holger5398: If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. Isaac Newton.
holger5398: God is Holy. God is Love. Love God. Be Holy. Love people. The Cross. Jesus.