blavandmaster: Cosy Places
kinchloe: Fun With Pencils - Heart
FredConcha: Paris on water
Slimdandy: Visionary
Slimdandy: The Art of Balance
knowneuropean: Bald eagle: a closeup
J.J. Taylor: Portrait
floralgal: Portrait #71
Mario Gerth Photography: "A mother puts the color and light inside of her kids world" / Ethiopia 2010
scott.dougall: passing boats
Freddy Adams: Livorno - Fish market
Alma de Angel: Praying
__Bentom Wyemji__: Roma Subway
TC Morgan: Iz In Da Feeder.
Abbles (not apples): Sprinkled in Snow : The New Addition
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Holding on
//Sebastian: Elbphilharmonie // Hamburg
Gure Elia: soft bokeh
Lucio B.: sunbeam
creativenas: Droplets
creativenas: Splash - Nessie
alberto.velardi: IMG_0716
Travelingforever: Brasil - Alagoas
deadellaluna: Swimming chinees dragon
Alexander Ponick: Atacama de Chile
alberto.velardi: IMG_0534