Dave Holder: Glencoe. Scotland
Andrew G Robertson: Derwentwater
kabilk01: Blue hour with some golden touch - Stanage Edge
kabilk01: Sunset - Stanage Edge
kabilk01: Cat Bells
kabilk01: Esthwaite Water
kabilk01: Ilfracombe Harbour
kabilk01: Sunset over the Barricane Beach
kabilk01: Sunset over the Barricane Beach
kabilk01: Barricane Beach
kabilk01: Barricane Beach
kabilk01: Glorious Sunset over Priory Country Park
kabilk01: Wast water
kabilk01: BLACK SWAN
kabilk01: IKEA Lamp Shade
Andrew G Robertson: 98% Supermoon
Blai Figueras: Hearing whispers of the Elves
kabilk01: Reinach, Switzerland
albert dros: The Shepherd
Sandra Slead: Just Around the River Bend
Dave Holder: Whitby Sunrise #2
Sapna Reddy Photography: Sun Salutation (Explored)
thephotohikes.com: Vestrahorn
ferpectshotz: The reward of a thing well done is having done it…
Richard Larssen: Balm for the soul
cbjphoto: Freshly caught Brook trout
ferpectshotz: A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love...
* mateja *: Polychrome Overlook
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Space Station Crew Captures Beautiful Shot