Merja Attia:
Antiquities Museum
Merja Attia:
Fragment of a stela
Merja Attia:
Fragment of a tomb wall depicting a man and his wife
Merja Attia:
Fragment of a stela with two scenes
Merja Attia:
Detail of a stela with Amenhotep I and his wife
Merja Attia:
Statue of Osiris bearing traces of gold leaf
Merja Attia:
Statue of Osiris
Merja Attia:
Gold was the colour for the flesh of gods
Merja Attia:
Model of pottery building
Merja Attia:
Detail of pottery building
Merja Attia:
Model of a boat
Merja Attia:
The bow takes the shape of the head of a strange creature.
Merja Attia:
The bow facing north
Merja Attia:
Four sailors in a boat model
Merja Attia:
Model boat
Merja Attia:
Block statue of Djed Khonsu Iou.ef Ankh
Merja Attia:
Block statue of Priest called Djed Khonsu Iou.ef Ankh
Merja Attia:
Block statue of Nes-Amun
Merja Attia:
A Block statue of priest Nes-Amun
Merja Attia:
A Block statue of a priest serving the god Montu
Merja Attia:
Merja Attia:
Statue of Tepemankh as a scribe
Merja Attia:
Thoth as a baboon
Merja Attia:
Statue of Thoth as a baboon
Merja Attia:
Statuette of Thoth facing Maat
Merja Attia:
God Thoth as ibis
Merja Attia:
The god Thoth was the moon god, in the form of an ibis
Merja Attia:
Color palette and writing tools
Merja Attia:
A wooden Naos with parallelogram base
Merja Attia:
The god Horus in the form of a hawk