Merja Attia: Hypocephalos
Merja Attia: Heart scarab
Merja Attia: Nes-ka-shuty's shabti figures
Merja Attia: Ptah-Sokar-Osiris
Merja Attia: Ptah-Sokar-Osiris statuette
Merja Attia: Ostracon inscribed with curse
Merja Attia: Statue of Meretseger
Merja Attia: Ostracon from Deir el-Medinah
Merja Attia: Ostracon from Deir el-Medinah
Merja Attia: The coffin of Amenhotep, overseer of Amun's builders
Merja Attia: Horus-eyes painted on the exterior of the coffin
Merja Attia: Detail of the Four Sons of Horus depicted on the outer sides of the coffin
Merja Attia: Mummy bandage
Merja Attia: Amenhotep's coffin
Merja Attia: Amenhotep's coffin made of Lebanese cedar and coated with black resin
Merja Attia: Child's mummy from Ptolemaic times
Merja Attia: Child's mummy with coffin
Merja Attia: Scarab Box, Mummified cat wrapped in linen
Merja Attia: Mummified birds
Merja Attia: Mummified crocodiles
Merja Attia: Bronze statuette of a cat with a necklace around its neck and a pectoral on its chest
Merja Attia: Bronze statuette of a seated cat
Merja Attia: Animal mummies
Merja Attia: Shabti of Pinudjem II
Merja Attia: A Shabti of High Priest of Amun, Pinudjem II
Merja Attia: A Soul house or Ka-house
Merja Attia: Flint knife, Food offering: Duck in the box, Female offering bearers
Merja Attia: Relief with wine list
Merja Attia: Bread mould
Merja Attia: Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum