Merja Attia: Entrance to the ruins of Serapeum and the Pompey's Pillar in the Karmouz quarter in south-west area of Alexandria
Merja Attia: Pompey's Pillar and Artifact Garden
Merja Attia: Pompey's Pillar flanked by two spinxes
Merja Attia: Ruins of the temple of Serapeum
Merja Attia: Ruins of the temple of Serapeum
Merja Attia: Artifacts from the Temple of Serapeum
Merja Attia: Artifacts from the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Artifacts from the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Artifacts from the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Artifacts from the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Pompey’s Pillar
Merja Attia: Ruins of the temple of Serapeum
Merja Attia: Entrance to the Sanctuary
Merja Attia: Underground remains of the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Underground remains of the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Underground remains of the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Underground remains of the Serapeum
Merja Attia: Apis bull, one of Serapis’ incarnations
Merja Attia: Apis bull, one of Serapis’ incarnations
Merja Attia: Apis bull, one of Serapis’ incarnations
Merja Attia: Above ground tunnels
Merja Attia: Above ground tunnels
Merja Attia: Roman Bath
Merja Attia: Ruins of the temple of Serapeum
Merja Attia: Pompey’s Pillar at an impressive height of approximately 27 meters
Merja Attia: The base of Pompey's Pillar
Merja Attia: Pompey’s Pillar
Merja Attia: Capital of the Pompey's Pillar
Merja Attia: The Piscina
Merja Attia: One of two sphinx statues in red granite from Aswan