Merja Attia: Reliefs and Statues from the Tomb of Horemheb
Merja Attia: Tomb of Horemheb
Merja Attia: The forecourt of Horemheb's Memphite tomb at Saqqara
Merja Attia: Courtyard of Horemheb's Tomb in Saqqara
Merja Attia: From Courtyard of Horemheb's Tomb in Saqqara
Merja Attia: Horemheb worshipping the sun
Merja Attia: Courtyard of Horemheb's Tomb in Saqqara
Merja Attia: Courtyard of Horemheb's Tomb in Saqqara
Merja Attia: Horemheb worshipping Re-Horakhty, Thoth and Maat
Merja Attia: Horemheb worshipping Re-Horakhty, Thoth and Maat
Merja Attia: Hieroglyphs from Horemheb's tomb
Merja Attia: Hieroglyphs from Horemheb's tomb
Merja Attia: Hieroglyphs from Horemheb's tomb
Merja Attia: Relief in the Tomb of Horemheb
Merja Attia: Detail of the relief
Merja Attia: Horemheb as a high official seated before a table of offerings
Merja Attia: Horemheb as a high official seated before a table of offerings
Merja Attia: Horemheb as a high official seated before a table of offerings
Merja Attia: Base and toes of a statue
Merja Attia: Toes of a statue
Merja Attia: Hieroglyphs
Merja Attia: Hieroglyphs
Merja Attia: Tomb of Horemheb, Saqqara New Kingdom Necropolis
Merja Attia: Hieroglyphs
Merja Attia: Long rows of captives
Merja Attia: Long rows of captives
Merja Attia: Long rows of captives escorted by Egyptian soldiers
Merja Attia: Nubian hairstyle depicted in a prisoner scene
Merja Attia: Prisoners
Merja Attia: Scene with prisoners from the Tomb of Horemheb