Merja Attia: Tomb of Maya
Merja Attia: Tomb of Maya
Merja Attia: Maya seated before Offering table
Merja Attia: Maya seated before Offering table
Merja Attia: Maya seated before Offering table
Merja Attia: Detail of the painted ceiling in the pylon gateway
Merja Attia: Meryt, Maya's wife
Merja Attia: A well-preserved relief fragment from the pylon gateway
Merja Attia: Maya and Meryt receiving offerings
Merja Attia: Bearing of Offerings
Merja Attia: Maya's sandals
Merja Attia: Detail of offering bearers
Merja Attia: Offerings: antelopes, ducks, fruits...
Merja Attia: Procession of Offering Bearers
Merja Attia: Strange contraptions among the offering goods
Merja Attia: Osiris
Merja Attia: The 4 Sons of Horus
Merja Attia: Osiris
Merja Attia: The Throne of Osiris
Merja Attia: Maya and Meryt
Merja Attia: Maya and Meryt
Merja Attia: Osiris and Nephthys from the tomb of Maya and Meryt
Merja Attia: Hieroglyphs from the Tomb of Maya
Merja Attia: Scene from the tomb of Maya
Merja Attia: Detail of relief scene depicting the goddesses Nephthys and Isis
Merja Attia: Relief showing Maya before the god Osiris