grahamaddison240: Tree Study 2
cod_gabriel: Lacul Morii, București
trachselw: 230107_Kafountine_Pirogues_III
Wuzbug: Graphite, Polychromos pencil and putty rubber experimental portrait on thick card.
Wuzbug: Ballpoint pen only drawing by jmsw on sketch book card. Just for Fun.
Ktoine: Bitching III
trachselw: 230107_Kafountine_Pirogues_I
jdel5978: Dans le vent
trachselw: 221230_Les_Almadies_Dakar_westlichster_Baum von_Afrika
trachselw: 220419_Saoû
trachselw: 220202_drinkndrawbern
richardhasler: 3 hours life study
cod_gabriel: Former Mihail Sadoveanu library in Tineretului Park, Bucharest
Ktoine: Surprised Controller
Wuzbug: Ballpoint pen drawing by jmsw on sketch book card. Birds in the garden this morning.
h e r m a n: #165 bar
sylvain.cnudde: Petit_Palais
Wuzbug: A picture for my Granddaughter. Portrait drawing by jmsw using 2H graphite pencil on thick card and putty rubber, of English Actress Alex Kingston who plays the character “River Song in Doctor Who on Television.
Dave In Oregon: Mount Saint Helen's From the Top of Coldwater Peak 1979
Hans Kruse Photography: Santa Maria della Pietà and Campo Imperatore
Joe Allen Photography: Mill Creek Falls
cod_gabriel: Saint George Rotonda - Ротонда „Свети Георги“ - early 4th century church surviving in Sofia, Bulgaria
cod_gabriel: Ohrid / Охрид
cod_gabriel: Saint Andrew orthodox monastery in Matka canyon / Манастирот Свети Андреј во кањонот Матка
Digital Grits: Romance Portrait Study
richardhasler: 3 hours life study