KOMAР: E-box near the Moscow railway station.
.Trauma .: Trau 21 #trauma #trauma_21 #stickeraddiction #stickerart #stickerporn #prioritymailsticker
ekiem: #wip #canvas #painting #exhibition #dumbface #sticker #screenprint #ekiem #highstickers
$?äM: XIII x Späm
ISOE ONER: Sticker Pack
HalloKarlo: Klebers!
HalloKarlo: Klebers!
HalloKarlo: KLEBERS!
HalloKarlo: DOSE/Bad Rabbit!
deedeekid: Wip-pic of one of the two canvases I did for the "our friends on the peachbeach" #exhibition at @urban_spree last december. #painting #deedeekid #coskan
REBELZER: RebelzerFreak2013
HalloKarlo: @the Beach!
THE KIWIE: "On earth there is no heaven.. But there are pieces of it!" MEETING OF STYLES 2009 / KIWIE & SAKI / Germany #kiwie #graffiti #mos #devil #angel
¿T(ERROR)ISTA?: PACOBUENO🔪PACOMUERTO #vidastreet #perfectoenemigo
THE KIWIE: BUSTED! #kiwie #ass #officer #graffiti #busted
freaQ: For the waiter?
Question Josh? - SB/DSK: world best culture
THE KIWIE: Chillin in LMA with twins. Decoration for carnival this Friday. #kiwie #lma #riga