Maxim Maximov: Portrait
gsvoow: Princess and bird
gsvoow: Think of me
aliza razell: if James Dean were a mushroom patch
Alexander Urdiales: Marismas de Urdaibai
Alexander Urdiales: Marismas de Urdaibai Michelle
Nicole Ameda: Galileo Chini (1878-1956)
Nicole Ameda: Elisabeth Sonrel (1874-1953)
Nicole Ameda: John William Waterhouse
Nicole Ameda: Edward John Poynter
Nicole Ameda: Jules-Élie Delaunay (1828-1891) - Sappho embracing her lyre
Nicole Ameda: John White Alexander - Repose, 1895
Nicole Ameda: John White Alexander
Nicole Ameda: Léonard Misonne (1870-1943)
Nicole Ameda: Giulio Aristide Sartorio (1860-1932)