megdaig: My next endeavor. My 5 year-old and I just mixed together all 10 bags...I already have regret C_mh-0018_Clementoni_4000
richieinnc: Sellagruppe, Dolomites, Clementoni, 13200 pieces
larsteglbjaerg48: Mappa Mundi 1375 (L' Atlas Catalan) by Abraham Cresques
Dawid12345: 20200506_135947
Olcia Ola: Trefl 3000 Bazylika Santa Maria della Salute, Wenecja
maarten.storms: Lego Star Wars USC Millennium Falcon 10179.
Brian Coats: Haring 32K with NYC32K.
Kim (krt2): Mariner's Rest - Trefl, 4000 (Week 11)
JFViana: Puzzle Grow 8000 - Casamento Camponês
mr_allamagoosa: Paradise Sunset Jigsaw Puzzle hanging on my bedroom wall
GreatLakesPuzzler: 18000 Paradise Sunset - mixed, complete
dannyHound63: 32000 piece puzzle, 'New York City Window', Ravensburger, 2014
richieinnc: Romantic Supper, Dominic Davison, Trefl, 6000 pieces
biggus6: Trefl 4k - Afternoon Idyll 024 done
Stephen Benn: New Arrivals Day (another)!
Brian Coats: NYC32K is now mounted. Beat the new year by a couple hours.
Stephen Benn: New Arrivals Day!
Dennis Wilmot: Bombardment of Algiers
Dennis Wilmot: The Battle of Algiers Finished
johntudor89: Trefl - Tower of Babel. 4000 Complete
pa.delos: The Bombardment of Algiers by George Chambers- Ravensburger-9000 Pieces
johntudor89: Here we go.
benrsheldon: 6,000 pieces down, 18,000 to go. Section 1 complete.
maarten.storms: NYC Window. Section H progress update 4.
maarten.storms: NYC Window. Section C. Getting started.
Dennis Wilmot: Bombardment of Algiers detail
teshdor: Bombardment of Algiers 12
maarten.storms: NYC Window. 4 sections done! Finally at the halfway point! There is just no right way to take a picture of this beast :-)