arseny-foto: "Autumn herbs"
Small and Beautiful: Old leaf. A Slider:-)
~ Floydian ~: In front of the mighty Schreckhorn - Switzerland
mirosławkról: Black-necked grebes
Ramón Muñoz - Fotografía: DSC3321 La Vía Láctea sobre el Arco de Spitzkoppe, Namibia
mirosławkról: Perkozy dwuczuby/G.C.Grebe #8
Wei, Willa: Quiver Tree and Milky Way
NZLmatt: fade love fade
figoosia: Dolina Narwi
krzysztof_browko: Church...
Hanna U images: I was here
lionel.fellay: Lofoten Postcard
RysiekLL: just hanging around
Tony N.: Treyarnon Bay
Stefan K0n@th: Not bad at all...
Mike Rosulek: Birds Fly
Mike Rosulek: Agave detail
Mike Rosulek: Dyrhólaey Monoliths
Mike Rosulek: Treelines #7
Mike Rosulek: Cape Falcon #2 The Shaman
Trevor Dobson: Milky Way at The Pinnacles Desert, Western Australia