Sheltie World: Shelties make our day
The Papa'razzi of dogs: Ready for fun in forest
ginam6p: 33/52 Weeks for Skye
sauliuske: Summer memories
sauliuske: Small town blues..
snowshoe hare*: winter tulips
by emmeci: Wood Crane's bill - Geranio silvano (Geranium sylvanum)_001
by emmeci: Don't lough too loudly... I HEAR you !
JosjeToby: sheltie
JosjeToby: sheltie
Sheltie World: Sheltie Christmas Spirit
Mike & Indy: Life is but a dream
Lala Lands: Frosted Susan
golden fan: gray days
Bigbird3: Pixie and the Sunbeam
Thelma Gátuzzô: Swallow Tanager
Jasper's Human: Shaggy Silhouette
Jasper's Human: Aussie on the Rocks
big_13morioka: _9211992
big_13morioka: _9211993
big_13morioka: _MG_2874
Julia Trotti: fields
The Papa'razzi of dogs: Running in morning light