Angel Taipe: The road to the village
Luigi Alesi: campagna maceratese
Kindra Nikole: the planet's pulse
corradoriccomini: Prunus persica
Ken Lee 2010: 巣鴨信用金庫 志村支店, Sugamo Shinkin Bank Shimura Branch, Tokyo, Japan
Rob Woodcox: Transient Desert Sands
Alan MacKenzie: Communal Space
margaret_99: First take three eggs!
Apron Strings Blog: Flower Power Eggs 1865x1865
Alec Kirkham: Study Of An Apple - Le Crunch
quiksilver_ice: Apples on Slate #2
barbara carroll: I love apples.
guy martel: apple valentine
fdecomite: pepper
Aries Parcum: serious still life
peppus84: triste
I.T.P.: Still Life - fork & tomato - Jan.2015
helgabj: still life 2
AstroSamantha: "There's coffee in that nebula"... ehm, I mean... in that #Dragon.
CraigGoodwin2: Bifrost Bridge
Bruce_Hood: Wrecked
Oleg Kolobov: Parking.
Sergio Garcia Rill: Heaven and Earth [Explored]
Kevin Dinkel: Still Morning
ilias varelas: Misty tops The Chapel
b.four: dans l'inconnu sur la pointe des pieds
Luiz L.: Music [explored - thanks!!]