antonydore/nature: red admiral
antonydore/nature: fledgling willow warbler
antonydore/nature: white throat
antonydore/nature: fox, vixen
antonydore/nature: fox, vixen
antonydore/nature: mute swan and cygnet
antonydore/nature: mute swan and cygnet
antonydore/nature: mute swan and cygnet
antonydore/nature: whitethroat
antonydore/nature: whitethroat
antonydore/nature: whitethroat
antonydore/nature: lesser celidine
antonydore/nature: marsh marigold
antonydore/nature: hairy bitter cress
antonydore/nature: cuckoo flower, ladies smock, may flower
antonydore/nature: chiffchaff
antonydore/nature: chiffchaff
antonydore/nature: great crested grebe
antonydore/nature: collered dove
antonydore/nature: song thrush