Dari_Extension: :Closeup of pencil
Blurred.8.3: Projekt28mm Tag 17
Karsten Gieselmann: Take a break - forget me not!
pajavi69: La Equilibrista
mucahidefendi: MME_4137
Siuloon: one
octavia florea: Macro Monday - When I was a Child...
octavia florea: Macro Monday - Begins with the Letter P
octavia florea: Midnight Fun
FlorDeOro: MM Twist And Twirl
octavia florea: For You!
octavia florea: MacroMondays - Red
alutik: Hey there!
sylviamay1963: Macro Mondays - Red (Explored 14th March 2016)
katerha: “Artists can color the sky red because they know it's blue. Those of us who aren't artists must color things the way they really are or people might think we're stupid.” ~Jules Feiffer
margycrane: can diamonds be red? or he lied ;-)
KevPBur: Bottle top
lara_1012: So much redness
ingrid eulenfan: Miniklammern
adlai7: P9200061.jpg
nkatesphotography: white breasted Nuthatch hanging out_DSC6866 photoshop NIK edit©
wentloog: Bugs
nkatesphotography: Nature's knot_DSC6841 photoshop NIK edit©
vinamaster: Hanging In The Air
Dari_Extension: Cactus close up
Bellatchitchi: A la petite cuillère
jarnasen: Winter afternoon
Yelsel_R: #63 Delicate
Steve-h: Beauty and a dandy