kortenha: Zion National Park
kortenha: _DSC8004
kortenha: Gotoh 510
kortenha: Myrtle
kortenha: Michigan Fall
kortenha: Looking towards High Island
kortenha: Ready
kortenha: The fruits of decay
kortenha: Lime Island
kortenha: Alder Falls
kortenha: Sonograph
kortenha: A little close for comfort.
kortenha: Piers Gorge
kortenha: The conductor - yellow-crab spider
kortenha: Long Slide Waterfall, WI
kortenha: Pine warbler
kortenha: Milkweed beetle
kortenha: Yellow-billed cuckoo
kortenha: My beauty is my song
kortenha: Hermit thrush
kortenha: Where to next?
kortenha: All eyes on you!
kortenha: Prothonotary warbler - in full regalia!
kortenha: Common yellowthroat
kortenha: The mastiff of warblers - Kirtland's warbler
kortenha: A new dawn for the Kirtland's warbler
kortenha: I see you
kortenha: Ruffed Grouse
kortenha: Lupine dreams
kortenha: Black and White Warbler