mario leko: palace
mario leko: Moondrunk
mario leko: My heart is warm with friends I make,
mario leko: falling angels
mario leko: out there, always echoing
mario leko: instead of "I love you"
mario leko: who's on the other line?
mario leko: kin to sorrow
mario leko: your breath under glass
mario leko: Look up here, I'm in heaven
mario leko: Goodbye
mario leko: post-it to survive grey sky
mario leko: in the kingdom of sunday
mario leko: love parasites
mario leko: This is the way that autumn came to the trees
mario leko: watch them grow
mario leko: as you rearrange my world
drosen7900: DSC02188
BeardedArchitect: kodak BW400CN
BeardedArchitect: kodak BW400CN
BeardedArchitect: kodak BW400CN