helloiamliz: Feldkirch Liebe
helloiamliz: Known as the "Murder House"
helloiamliz: Meine Nationalität ist Mensch!
helloiamliz: Emily and the flower in the beanie
helloiamliz: Mädchen für ALLES.
helloiamliz: Coziness
helloiamliz: The roses on my bed
helloiamliz: Bald trees
helloiamliz: We're waiting
helloiamliz: Oh, you.
helloiamliz: Berlin times
helloiamliz: Fucked up houses are cool too
helloiamliz: Being fascinated by pretty colored houses is one of my favourite things to do.
helloiamliz: Where does it end?
helloiamliz: The happy polar bear in the sad district
helloiamliz: It'd be great to find a place we could escape sometime.
helloiamliz: Vielleicht beschützt uns ja der Nebel.
helloiamliz: Going on adventures.
helloiamliz: Staircase to nowhere.
helloiamliz: I want my soul to dance the most.
helloiamliz: Save me from what I want.
helloiamliz: Die Katze im Wald
helloiamliz: Berlin Hauptbahnhof, Steig 5
helloiamliz: Doc Martens und Club Mate
helloiamliz: Wir treten in die Fußstapfen unserer Vorgänger, aus Angst vor Ungewissem.
helloiamliz: Playing