_Tiler: '55 Chevy Van
1saac W.: Camping
PalBenglat: Citroen 2CV Fourgonnette Lego MOC front improved bumper
Marcel V. second: Window technique
snaillad: Canal Street
POC Photo Company: Googie Architecture
Scary Space Monster: Googie Motel Sign
_Tiler: Trabant P60 / 01
brickopotamus.: 12x12 Vignette Teaser
Macsen Wledig: Suffragette City
OrangeRauy: 6-by-6 octagon technique
Toltomeja: Gavoi
Andrea Lattanzio: A-Frame Cabin approved as next LEGO IDEAS set!
~Koschei~: The Flaccus Expedition, 50 A.D.
manumanumagic: HeineBricken Brewery - Brasserie
lechkulina: Hiding place in the middle of nowhere - wooden beams supporting roof from the front
Andrea Lattanzio: Norton74 Line up 2021
-LittleJohn: Everdell Castle
Eero Okkonen: Mesilinna
Cpt. Urco: A van for my Lego Amsterdam maquette.
Andrea Lattanzio: Magda's Garden Shed (or the Shed with the Tree)
Ted Andes: Big and Small
ForlornEmpire: Coffee Spot
mijasper: Deckchair
_Tiler: Visit UK. If you dare.
Brickester: The Art Centre
michaelgale: Coming soon...
1saac W.: Joker Rod
Utanapishtim: Village Life