smolix: P1000265.jpg
Stefán H. Kristinsson: 16jan_hittingur_silungapollur_090
Furtogenic: Jasmine Christmas
Siors CZ: Autumn kitten
"Pam's Pet Pictures": Little Poppy
"Pam's Pet Pictures": Pretty Poppy
Finn Frode (DK): The feather wand, 2
Austin Thomas Photography: Darting Starling
wacamerabuff: She was a very quirky cat. She really liked treats so she would let you pet her a little when she was distracted. It took a lot of patience to bring her around. It took her about 3 months to get adopted.
Tom-R: Little cat
Arkuswork: Arwen
Jan Gee: Having a drink ...
whaas987: Let Me Tell You Something