Mary-Mel Knight: Double Standards
Mary-Mel Knight: What's your front porch view?
Mary-Mel Knight: Is this your life?#awareness
Mary-Mel Knight: Keeping my head up
Mary-Mel Knight: Old Beauty
Mary-Mel Knight: Beautimus
Mary-Mel Knight: Unstoppable
Mary-Mel Knight: Time Zone
Mary-Mel Knight: Explore Time
Mary-Mel Knight: Never turns one down
Mary-Mel Knight: Burning Rose
Mary-Mel Knight: We looking at the same thing..even though he's blind!
Mary-Mel Knight: X marks the spot
Mary-Mel Knight: Look into my world
Mary-Mel Knight: Calms my storms
Mary-Mel Knight: Absorbing
Mary-Mel Knight: Beautiful or Scary
Mary-Mel Knight: I see...
Mary-Mel Knight: Hanging on.. barely.
Mary-Mel Knight: Reflection of the moon
Mary-Mel Knight: Don't bite the hand that feeds you
Mary-Mel Knight: What's your viewpoint?
Mary-Mel Knight: There is always light, even when one can't see it
Mary-Mel Knight: Affirmation to my soul