Mary-Mel Knight: 2018 Christmas
Mary-Mel Knight: I got ya babe!
Mary-Mel Knight: Ruff bit
Mary-Mel Knight: Turned Tables
Mary-Mel Knight: Affirmation to my soul
Mary-Mel Knight: seeing repetitive numbers is known to be messages from your angels and the ascended masters..
Mary-Mel Knight: I got five dollars on it!
Mary-Mel Knight: Are those eyes behind me??
Mary-Mel Knight: New Hashtag #bumblefuckville
Mary-Mel Knight: Oh how bittersweet! My 😇. My baby is a grown man.
Mary-Mel Knight: Seek and you shall receive
Mary-Mel Knight: I was told, "Reminds me of Kate Moss."whoah!
Mary-Mel Knight: Love to my Haters 💋
Mary-Mel Knight: There's a difference between knowing someone and knowing of someone. Which one applies to you?
Mary-Mel Knight: Easy on the eyes..truth is like a loaded don't wanna point that thing around here, make all of your skeletons appear..this is real life and you've been living fictional...
Mary-Mel Knight: Life's Key
Mary-Mel Knight: When one is connected and secured, one will have freedom from the need to respond to every action by other's..
Mary-Mel Knight: Oh please..
Mary-Mel Knight: whatever it takes: summon your inner-strength - control it.
Mary-Mel Knight: Hallowed Ground-The Struggle
Mary-Mel Knight: Them Haters Be Like...
Mary-Mel Knight: Letting loose
Mary-Mel Knight: What's your viewpoint?
Mary-Mel Knight: Out the Mud