absynth100: Sgwd Pannwr 2
Giuseppe Tripodi: Seta a Santa Maria
Michel2Montfort: Rome - Forum de Nuit
Daniel.35690: Chez moi, le brouillard de ce soir . . . 4/52 - thème " Outdoor ".
Michel2Montfort: Bretagne-Iffendic-Golden Light
Matthew Dartford: Snowdon Wales 10/01/16
Bir18: Old train along the sea
Michel2Montfort: Bretagne-St Malo-Abandoned Mill
Prince Prestige Photos: GT4C8277-Edit.jpg
Michel2Montfort: Alsace-Vosges-Sunset
ingrid eulenfan: Spiegelung - reflection
Michel2Montfort: Paris-Champs Elysées sunset
Michel2Montfort: Aquitaine-La Salie-Sea Sand and Sun(set)
NPPhotographie: fallende Blätter im Herbst
FotographyKS!: Thorn fence / Barbed wire with colorful bokeh background
Carola Di Clemente: reading is dreaming with open eyes.
teglovjarka: Winter by the river
bojan_vutov: Sit... :)
Matthieu Manigold: On the go to Eiffel Tower
Matthieu Manigold: Subway light - Paris (explored)
Michel2Montfort: Bretagne-Iffendic-Winter Light
mglarou: Stockholm, Sweden
rosidae: Bridge to There.