AndyRees1: Atridius4
AndyRees1: Concrete Seat
yvie.cee: Shapes 4 - Cardiff u3a morning photography group theme.
yvie.cee: Shapes 3 - Cardiff u3a morning photography group theme
yvie.cee: Shapes 1 - Cardiff u3a morning photography group theme.
yvie.cee: Leaves of the Liquidambar tree hanging over Roath Brook
Moments like these ...: Scott in a lens ball
yvie.cee: Abstract in gold
yvie.cee: Light and lines
yvie.cee: A real poser
Moments like these ...: Unity and patriotism - Cymru am byth
anne.sancho: P1030517
yvie.cee: I did it my way
jimmerlini: Details2B
yvie.cee: Nature always finds a way (details)
yvie.cee: Go with the grain (details)
AndyRees1: NatWarMem1
AndyRees1: LordAberdare
AndyRees1: Horsehead
lindamprice: DSCN1493
lindamprice: DSCN1681
lindamprice: DSCN1707
lindamprice: DSCN1698
jimmerlini: Details8B
jimmerlini: Details7C3
yvie.cee: A twirl with eyes! I used the image of the necklace which I posted earlier.
yvie.cee: Give me a caption