shannonspoonhunter: Nighttime gossip
shannonspoonhunter: We're on an adventure
shannonspoonhunter: We're on an adventure
shannonspoonhunter: We're on an adventure
shannonspoonhunter: Visiting the unicorns with Cat
shannonspoonhunter: By candlelight
shannonspoonhunter: Ivy brought some friends
shannonspoonhunter: Proof that cats can sleep through anything
shannonspoonhunter: ginger&ivy_002
shannonspoonhunter: Ritual before the dawn of a new year
shannonspoonhunter: ginger&ivy_001
shannonspoonhunter: Contemplating the lantern
shannonspoonhunter: Too many cats
shannonspoonhunter: Quiet morning
shannonspoonhunter: A cat takes refuge in a storm shelter
shannonspoonhunter: Residents wade through the floodwaters
shannonspoonhunter: Flooded buildings after hurricane in New Toulouse
shannonspoonhunter: Adapting to one's circumstances
shannonspoonhunter: Watching the floodwaters rise
shannonspoonhunter: Another bayou flood
shannonspoonhunter: Cat came home!
shannonspoonhunter: When your cat matches your ritual candles
shannonspoonhunter: Aril Fools Kitty
shannonspoonhunter: Aril Fools Kitty
shannonspoonhunter: Painting eggs
shannonspoonhunter: They have such a hard life
shannonspoonhunter: Leia and her direwolf came to visit