Conrad Kuiper: Deer in Flight
Steve & Alison1: White caramel brown and black feather wing moth Alucita sp aff xanthodes Alucitidae Airlie Beach rainforest P1200291
sea25bill: BOBCAT CUB
MOZBOZ1: Short-eared Owl
PeterBrannon: Sniper
wplynn: Striped Hawk Moth 1
weikuantay: 南浦大桥 Nanpu Bridge | Shanghai 上海
lsten: Blue Hour at Riisitunturi
Curculion: Vison d'Amérique / American Mink [Neovison vison] - flickr Explored 2018.03.04 #50 Lady in Red
hobby fotos: Martre d'Amérique / American marten
JackExplorer: Look but you can't touch
Olaf Craasmann: Schwindlinge
bigyear15: Spotted Towhee
Photobirder: Bull elephant at sunset
Traumflieger_Foto: helmlinge_17
Daniel Trim: Water vole
Bill McMullen: Snowed In
quenoteam: detalle eupholus schoenherri [Explore 2018-02-01]
Ranveig Marie Photography: Treasures of June
Tami Hrycak ッ: Northern Mockingbird
Bill McMullen: Forest Light
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae) "Medusa"
monte stinnett: Rooftop rendesvous
Earl Reinink: Winter in Ontario
Eric_Z: Long-eared Owl
Earl Reinink: Intense scrutiny
Steven Rossi: Pine Grosbeak male
Generik11: Moth Man Mail Man