*ines_maria: ...thewait...
María Tudela Bermúdez: María Tudela. Almas grises
AvideCai: IMG_6399
Ch3micals: Dreams
Valero-Xixona: the bridge of your dreams
Eva astur: Wonderful life
Eva astur: Cine mudo
Eva astur: Sobre las montañas
Valero-Xixona: Simply Beautiful
*ines_maria: ...viennaunderground...
DavidFrutos: Fish Head Eating
Eva astur: From the cradle to the grave
Frank Olayag: la Cima - The Top. ( Ampliado mejor-Expanded better )
Eva astur: Esto no tiene ni pies, ni cabeza
Eva astur: Tomas algo?
AvideCai: En la Ría
2014paf: días de lluvia - I
*ines_maria: ...throughtimeandspace...
Valero-Xixona: The Impossible Dream
Eva astur: Tenedor y cereza / Cherry on a fork
Eva astur: Otra perspectiva...
Beatriz-c: Nature has the beautiful ability to shout that I am alive. He sings to me between subtle light tones and roars of the sea. Intones a hypnotic melody that numbs my fears and recharges my illusions
Valero-Xixona: Te miro y te sonrio
Eva astur: Infiestu
anamoto67: Step by Step
Valero-Xixona: the guardian of the night
Eva astur: El poder del metal ;)
Eva astur: Para entender bien las cosas
Eva astur: Suena