Vesa Pihanurmi: Morning Walk
Dylan Toh: Blue and Gold
rirsz: Wedding
Kiss the Bride: Wedding Photographer
Lena Held: fairytale forest
Ben K Adams: Eye Macro
Woewwesch: sweet winter (Explore)
ricketdi: ***Blue jay / geai bleu
Toàn Sekai: DSC_7796
pstone646: Sparkle.
Tony CC Gray: Cormorants
_Andreas_R_: Sperber, sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) DSC_3538
ChrisHobbsPhotography: Stewartby Brickworks
Isler Bruno: Thaís & Daniel
Trace Connolly Photography: Encounter Coast, Victor Harbour - South Australia
MOZBOZ1: Pine Marten
Borys Las-Opolski: Sunny Wedding
Ludo M: Venice - Italy CH3A0730
Chris Lue Shing: Snowy Owl - Composite image 5
petrisalonen: When time stands still
T@hir'S Photography: Soothing illusion
BSOutdoorImages: Kingfisher - female (Alcedo atthis)
___INFINITY___: Common Starlings.jpg
sparky4072: Bad Hare Day
andrew evans.: the prized possession
Raymond Lee Photography: Great Gray Owl Flight Landing
Ian Redding: Pair of buzzards (Buteo buteo) attacking juvenile intruder