Yan L Photography: Dreamy Godafoss
RCMuscioImages: Hassy Gear-0344
rst12: Pentax 67 & 6X7 gear
mobilevirgin: Fox Talbot
Bahman Farzad: Portrait
Kelly Sereda: Autumn II
Thom_Mi: Anonymous Hello
johanfwahlberg: MEETING #1
kirsten egobox: DSC_7643
a-nette: DSC_7564
Alan Butler: Hope (3)
D. Orlov: P6084063
Zane's Photography: Digital Petzval v2
SKIPPER TAIL: No, wait, maybe I should go that way
aeomaster32: South Pacific Kodachrome
lukaszlenckowski: Flying Dutchman
unrealalex (www.ambrotype.ru): Alexey Belov, "Moscow Friends" Series
unrealalex (www.ambrotype.ru): Man in Top Hat [ambrotype]
筱山青作 oldlens slow photo: Heinz Kilfitt Munchen Makro-Kilar 90mm F2.8
Dima Vesnine: Sinar: Nature morte avec de l'ail | Still life with garlic
aeomaster32: Pentax LX, M50mm/f1.4 Kodak Ektar
Vincent1825: Cracked Stone
Ollie2363: IMGP6761
Yan L Photography: Amazing Sunset