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MattandLins: Pelicans!!
MattandLins: Paul frightens the girls by taking them at 40knots
MattandLins: Paul gets a monster!
MattandLins: The Aussies catch up and haul in Jaws...
MattandLins: Matt catches a pretty butterfly gurnard
MattandLins: Olga cooks for the five thousand!
MattandLins: Feeding the pelicans!
MattandLins: Matt outfishes the Aussies and hauls up a SHARK!!
MattandLins: Paul with his Leather Jacket
MattandLins: Ernie catches a Morwong
MattandLins: Reversing Lil'loco into the Ocean
MattandLins: Goodbye Horace from the Happy Campers
MattandLins: We need more roadsigns like this!
MattandLins: On the road, the view in Horaces right ear
MattandLins: Tom is last out of the maze
MattandLins: Bubbling mud pools
MattandLins: Geysers!
MattandLins: Fully geared up for caving