sam.cat28: Block 3. Still so much catchup to do!
sam.cat28: Block 2
sam.cat28: After a VERY long hiatus from #arcadiaavenue, I am back at it. I just couldn't get a good centre on block 1 (my fault because I rushed putting together the wedges), so I got frustrated and pushed it to the side. Now I have so much catchup to do!
sam.cat28: Getting even closer now. My sister came to visit so between that and baby, it's been busy around here. #Arcadiaavenue #ArcadiaAvenueQAL #sassafraslane
sam.cat28: Finally done the bulk of the cutting/prep. Commence sewing! Woo hoo!
sam.cat28: Got our little quilt surprise in the mail! Thank you so much @sassafraslane!! #arcadiaavenue #arcadiaavenueQAL #Sassafraslane
sam.cat28: Okay a little crazy but it works!! Cutting will be done in no time!
sam.cat28: I was trying to figure out a good system to cut out the coloured fabrics. I wanted to have some fabric leftover because I want to make a couple pillows and I also wanted a good system so that I could leave it when the baby demands it and come back to it
sam.cat28: Ironing fabric while the babe hangs out and plays 💚💜💙💛 #arcadiaavenue #ArcadiaAvenueQAL #sassafraslane
sam.cat28: Picked up the pattern today. Love the rainbow theme so I'm going with that. Excuse the messy cut swatches. Had to cut them with a fussy teething baby on my lap.
sam.cat28: Picked up the pattern today. Love the rainbow theme so I'm going with that. Excuse the messy cut swatches. Had to cut them with a fussy teething baby on my lap.