jashepburn: Campsite Chefs
jashepburn: Daughter
jashepburn: Father and Son..that's ma boy!!
jashepburn: Babby Orca, Telegraph Cove, North vancouver Island
jashepburn: A calm Johnson Strait, North Vancouver Island
jashepburn: Orca teeth
jashepburn: Accountants!!!
jashepburn: Jelly Fish, Vancouver Aquarium
jashepburn: Ferry to Powell River, British Columbia
jashepburn: Totems, Stanley Park, Vancouver
jashepburn: Humming Bird at ferry terminal BC
jashepburn: Maple Syrum and Son!
jashepburn: Welcome carving and water fall Vancouver Airport, BC
jashepburn: Canadian Flag
jashepburn: Sponsors
jashepburn: Domhainwinch
jashepburn: IMG_0741
jashepburn: Pines and mist. Craigellachie, Cairngorms Autumn 2014