abhisheksrivastava83: We call this home
abhisheksrivastava83: Jumping Spider
abhisheksrivastava83: Life in a frame
abhisheksrivastava83: Sort of the unofficial dish of Kolkata, though it’s popular elsewhere in North India, chole bhature is a Punjabi concoction of spicy curried chickpeas (chole) and puffy fried white-flour bread (bhature), it’s also known as chana bhatura..!!
abhisheksrivastava83: A masala dosa is made by stuffing a dosa with lightly cooked potatoes, onions, green chilli and spices..!!
abhisheksrivastava83: Lonely, you walk your road and people will come and go. But, lonely, you find yourself and understand reality will always be so.
abhisheksrivastava83: Create your destiny and reach for your dreams, you only live once.
abhisheksrivastava83: Beach Diares
abhisheksrivastava83: Untold Story
abhisheksrivastava83: Morning Story....
abhisheksrivastava83: Took This Shot In Bakkhali ,India
abhisheksrivastava83: Strom chaser
abhisheksrivastava83: My Hotel View
abhisheksrivastava83: Sunset Drama