ikutasora: 2015-03-24_09-31-28
ikutasora: Just added on different tags for my tn w
ikutasora: My 16-21/3 A busy but delightful week
ikutasora: I found that it feel a bit heavy for me to take four refils。。。 so i get the grid out but add some post it in
ikutasora: Bring the words of ppl u luv along with u is a source of happiness
ikutasora: my fully loaded tn got two date book in and is ready to leave the old one behinded
ikutasora: Finally get my midori TN
ikutasora: Finally get the book buying things clear and nearly done w This is my work chronodex.
ikutasora: My chronodex for the coming monday w Not many lesson maybe can go shopping
ikutasora: Plannar and date books w Thinking of buying a TN。。。
ikutasora: The midori date book of week10 (March2-8) a week full of work and emotions
ikutasora: Enjoying using chronodex in my plannar~ love using it to organize my project progress w
ikutasora: Enjoying using chronodex in my plannar~ love using it to organize my project progress w
ikutasora: Enjoying using chronodex in my plannar~ love using it to organize my project progress w