shanewils147: untitled
shanewils147: FBwEvOzX0BIG0cj
shanewils147: IMG_2948
shanewils147: IMG_2959
Paul O'B: Night photography
maryhahn265: Morning light
shanewils147: IMG_2360
shanewils147: IMG_2314
shanewils147: IMG_2351
maryhahn265: Smuggler's Cave Whiterock
philipduke941: Otter activity on the Dodder
maryhahn265: Kingfisher
Ken-Dobson: Dodder River Kingfisher-2
Ken-Dobson: Dodder River Kingfisher
Paul O'B: Halloween night full moon in Dunlaoghaire (Blue moon / second full moon in month of October)
shanewils147: hook_head_vw_camper_proc_bef_aft
shanewils147: Dodder Walk, Milltown, County Dublin (nr. the Dropping Well)
Photos - Mike Smith: Pine Marten
shanewils147: On the beach at Sandymount, looking towards Howth and the lighthouse on the South Bull wall
shanewils147: Entrance to Herbert Park, Dublin
maryhahn265: Down Low: Mushrooms
maryhahn265: The Shipwreck
maryhahn265: The Last Ancor
maryhahn265: Adornment
Photos - Mike Smith: Fox portrait
Frank Gaughan: Dodder Kingfisher1w