Gujjar kids from Rajouri district, Sonmarg, Kashmir, India Prayer flags at Lamayuru, Ladakh, India
-Gerard Collett-: Nacht und Träume
peu présente...ailleurs !: angles de chats......3 clichés 1/3
wianphoto: freight station
NicoArk: From east to west, heading to Arthur's pass (New Zealand)
AlexBlues: Quercia solitaria
AlexBlues: Tramonto Vivo
AlexBlues: Vicolo Pienza
AlexBlues: Volterra Nebbia
AlexBlues: Arco dei banchi, Roma
druzi: Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.
druzi: Don't let the sun go down on me
druzi: In wonderland
druzi: That we find a crystal or a poppy beautiful means that we are less alone, that we are more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe. John Berger
druzi: Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment. Ansel Adams
chibitomu: After Autumn Rain
Jamie Frith: French Bokeh
chibitomu: Autumn Afternoon
northdevonfocus: Sunset (Explored)