zaiemi: 光に戻ってゆく
xperiane (Extremely busy): happy dining of countryside (Tohoku, Japan)
KMrT(1800mlph): Tateishi
xperiane (Extremely busy): Saturday Night Tateishi
misako_tani: lighthouse
KMrT(1800mlph): Tateishi
rooppe: 2016 東京
cyber0515: 黄昏の月山神社と鳥海山 (The composition of Gassan Shrine and Mt.Chokai in twilight)
KMrT(1800mlph): Tateishi
xperiane (Extremely busy): Tateishi, Katsushika, Tokyo
KMrT(1800mlph): Tateishi 7 chome
masaya.yoshi: 有楽町で逢いましょう
KMrT(1800mlph): Oden bar
ICHI.Y: Dragonfly
KMrT(1800mlph): Meat shop
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): See I've already waited too long and all my hope is gone
xperiane (Extremely busy): Tateishi, Katsushika, Tokyo
KMrT(1800mlph): Takoyaki shop
xperiane (Extremely busy): Butcher's (Tateishi, Katsushika, Tokyo)
xperiane (Extremely busy): train passes by (Tateishi, Katsushika, Tokyo)
zaiemi: 感じるものがあるけれど
xperiane (Extremely busy): 門司港駅 駅務室
ICHI.Y: untitle
niko**: *Angler on a breakwater.