bone surgeon: Snowdonia last year in winter
bone surgeon: Snowdonia last year in winter
bone surgeon: Rakaposhi face lit up at sunset
bone surgeon: A street garden and cycle race
bone surgeon: Osprey fishing
bone surgeon: Last light Snowdonia
bone surgeon: flowers-1
bone surgeon: flowers-1-3
bone surgeon: yelow flowers-1-4
bone surgeon: yelow flowers-1-5
bone surgeon: Rapeseed yellow fields in UK With a storm brewing at sunset
bone surgeon: Early morning walk next to a stream lead to this path of wild garlics bluebells and fog a giddying intoxication of smells and sound
bone surgeon: yelow flowers-1-11
bone surgeon: A beautiful sight
bone surgeon: Fields-1-13
bone surgeon: Fields-1-8
bone surgeon: Fields-1-5
bone surgeon: Fields-1
bone surgeon: Fields-1-17
bone surgeon: Fields-1-10
bone surgeon: Fields-1-14
bone surgeon: Chapel
bone surgeon: Black Grouse sitting and calling from his perch
bone surgeon: Black Grouse
bone surgeon: Find me if you can. A red grouse to tally camouflaged in the heather north wales at worlds end