knitalatte11: trees and sky
knitalatte11: look up way up
knitalatte11: green arches near tofino
knitalatte11: rainforest on vancouver island
knitalatte11: green and grey
knitalatte11: tree moss
knitalatte11: ice on the lake
knitalatte11: a place for a fern
knitalatte11: close up of fern pot
knitalatte11: fresh deep snow
knitalatte11: music makes things grow according to science
knitalatte11: sunny grass growing
knitalatte11: awakenings
knitalatte11: blue bead lily
knitalatte11: red trillium
knitalatte11: muscari are in bloom
knitalatte11: all the other hyacinths in the garden
knitalatte11: DSCF0605.JPG
knitalatte11: mr and mrs wolffia
knitalatte11: three little cones
knitalatte11: tamarack
knitalatte11: playing with nature
knitalatte11: perfect spring day
knitalatte11: asparagus
knitalatte11: metamorophosis of the birch tree
knitalatte11: young birch tree
knitalatte11: may apple flower
knitalatte11: soon to be a lady's slipper
knitalatte11: beach grass