knitalatte11: trillium carpet
knitalatte11: stag horn sumacs
knitalatte11: for tamara
knitalatte11: happy valley
knitalatte11: in the land of the giant trilliums
knitalatte11: photographing nature
knitalatte11: ecosystem
knitalatte11: ball of moss
knitalatte11: liverworts
knitalatte11: sporophytes
knitalatte11: lichen on tree
knitalatte11: raining all day
knitalatte11: lichens, mosses and liverworts
knitalatte11: frosted nasturium
knitalatte11: love the frost pattern
knitalatte11: DSCF2382.JPG
knitalatte11: first wild flowers
knitalatte11: pushing their way through the earth
knitalatte11: so green
knitalatte11: gathering of sporophtyes
knitalatte11: neighbours talking
knitalatte11: open your eyes
knitalatte11: fern friday
knitalatte11: collection of unfurled ferns
knitalatte11: old and new
knitalatte11: trillium grandiflorum
knitalatte11: nature notebook
knitalatte11: new neighbour
knitalatte11: eating fiddleheads