|20$#: Saw this beautiful birdie in my friend's house!
|20$#: Little #straycat
|20$#: Yummy yummy butter naan! #indianbread
|20$#: Got this yummy little cake at #subway !!
|20$#: I love love love food! Especially them French fries! Yummy
|20$#: My very first Mc Happy Meal. I'm lovin' it!
|20$#: #harleyquinn #keychain
|20$#: Saw this on the way to mahabalipuram! #nofilter
|20$#: #randomshot
|20$#: Arch at my friend's apartments.
|20$#: The view from my balcony
|20$#: Ants.... Cause they're the only insects I come across
|20$#: What happens when i'm alone with my phone
|20$#: Tic tacs!
|20$#: Food for the crows! It's believed that our ancestors come in the form of crows and eat this food!
|20$#: Mattu pongal celebrations at home
|20$#: Fresh cucumber!
|20$#: Chocolate fudge cake
|20$#: Baking today
|20$#: I love candy
|20$#: Empty street
|20$#: Soooo borreeed
|20$#: Carrot soup
|20$#: Sleepy cat
|20$#: Rocky has the most beautiful eyes
|20$#: This little kitty is called rocky
|20$#: Corn AND rice? Oh boy. Can make a maize-loving Asian like me go CRAZY!!
|20$#: Christmas decorations at Ramee mall
|20$#: The deserted corridors of Ramee mall. Creepy.
|20$#: Christmas tree at Ramee mall