Ibarionex Perello - The Candid Frame: Many years ago I took on a 365 day challenge. Each week, I would assign myself a different subject to focus on. I’d choose it at random. During one week, I chose shopping carts. I resisted it at first, but I quickly realized that my reluctance was the per
ilanBenYehuda: DSCF6458bwn
8hai - photography: 2010.10.25.[10] Zhejiang Yuyue Town Lunar September 19 Yuhuang Temple Festival 浙江 禹越镇九月十九禹皇庙大节-29
tomavim: Handstand
blaisearnold.net: Jesse Kitten.
justinsdisgustin: corvette summer
Phill Jenkins: Feelings of Isolation
justinsdisgustin: If you want to Catcha dude use bait!
jrockar: mEat
Ekaterina Solovieva: solovieva_rybinsk_16
LT. Z: le petit monde de Don Patillo
MT...: DSC_2024
MT...: DSC_1980
MT...: DSC_1943
justinsdisgustin: sun/dress
stanislav.levental: Lisbon 2020, night walk, red shadows
justinsdisgustin: pattern/pattern