Tammietoo: Trophy wife?
Tammietoo: Couldn't wear it just once ;-)
Tammietoo: Relaxing...
Tammietoo: Rich retiree?
Tammietoo: $12 well spent
Tammietoo: blue and black
Tammietoo: Brown, Silver and Brunette
Tammietoo: Day to myself
Tammietoo: So a funny thing happened when I wasn't looking for it
Tammietoo: Never thought
Tammietoo: Black watch and silver
Tammietoo: Black watch and silver 2
Tammietoo: Semi Casual
Tammietoo: Kate and I
Tammietoo: Polka Dots and boots
Tammietoo: End of Summer
Tammietoo: 60 Million views
Tammietoo: Blue and White
Tammietoo: Nina McLemore gold pattern
Tammietoo: Gold and silver standing
Tammietoo: Gold and Silver sitting
Tammietoo: Casual blue
Tammietoo: House wife 1
Tammietoo: Rose check standing
Tammietoo: Rose check
Tammietoo: Summer Blonde
Tammietoo: Coral dress
Tammietoo: Silver Business Sitting
Tammietoo: Silver Business
Tammietoo: Silver business 1