sergiorfrg....sometimes: António Pedro Fernandez - Figueira da Foz Portugal
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Açucena Hippeastrum
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Follow the light
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Para todas as MULHERES no mundo - For all the WOMANS in the world
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Once upon a time a boat
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Candal Village
sergiorfrg....sometimes: First sunrise of 2011
sergiorfrg....sometimes: The last sunrise of 2010----HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Os últimos resistentes - The latest resistant
sergiorfrg....sometimes: FELIZ NATAL - MERRY CHRISTMAS
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Águas de tempestade - Storm Water
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Loneliness - Solidão
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Castelo de Guimarães
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Igreja de Santa Maria da Alcáçova - Church of St. Mary of the Citadel
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Surfer #1 Flying
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Heitor Alves (BRASIL)
sergiorfrg....sometimes: The way to the Moon
sergiorfrg....sometimes: De regresso a casa
sergiorfrg....sometimes: Maré baixa no estuário do rio Mondego
sergiorfrg....sometimes: The tree and the mushroom
sergiorfrg....sometimes: In memory of my ex mother in law died two days ago