dawn.tranter: Well worn, worn well
dawn.tranter: Stairway to?
dawn.tranter: Chug along
dawn.tranter: Play me a song I'm the piano man..
dawn.tranter: House of jewels
dawn.tranter: Ready for winter
dawn.tranter: Light catcher (EXPLORED!)
dawn.tranter: Sister hands
dawn.tranter: Splatt!
dawn.tranter: Tenacious tendril (explored!!)
dawn.tranter: The name of the game..concentration
dawn.tranter: In contemplation....
dawn.tranter: ...peace is every step... (explored)
dawn.tranter: ..what did the chair being empty mean...(explored, thanks Flickr friends)
dawn.tranter: ...negative can become positive...
dawn.tranter: ...all I demand is you look at me...
dawn.tranter: ..come on in, I'll put the kettle on.. (and surprise, I've been explored)