dinarte.pereira: IMG_3240
dinarte.pereira: IMG_6418
dinarte.pereira: IMG_5776
Baractus: Magellanic Horned Owl
Baractus: Magellanic Horned Owl
Baractus: White-bellied Seedsnipe
Baractus: King Penguin
haroldmoses: Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris borealis)
haroldmoses: Juvenile Ringed Plover ???
bebert37: DSCN2643
bebert37: DSCN2157
dinarte.pereira: IMG_2039
ferrand-michelle: Buse variable (Buteo buteo)
ferrand-michelle: Grand cormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)
ferrand-michelle: Grèbe castagneux (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
benito.bruna: Crossing Fallow Deer
bebert37: DSCN1611
bebert37: DSCN1173
ferrand-michelle: Pinson du Nord (Fringilla montifringilla)
ferrand-michelle: Héron cendré (Ardea cinerea)
ferrand-michelle: Grue cendrée (grus grus)
naturethroughanikon: Kingfisher battering its fish
dinarte.pereira: IMG_8916
dinarte.pereira: IMG_1539
dinarte.pereira: IMG_8019
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Arctic Tern looking for its nesting spot on Inner Farne Island (EXPLORED)
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Looking a fine sight in warm late afternoon sunlight, Ex-GWR Collett Manor Class 4-6-0 no.7802 "Bradley Manor" puts up a good head of exhaust as it approaches Kinchley Lane with a southbound passenger train on 30th January 2019
ferrand-michelle: Tarin des aulnes (Spinus spinus)
ferrand-michelle: Butor étoilé (Botaurus stellaris)
ferrand-michelle: Cigogne noire (Ciconia negra)