walkerg49: The Oceanside Harbor
walkerg49: St. Louis Ray mission and Oceanside California
walkerg49: Mission Blvd., Oceanside, CA
walkerg49: The pier at the Strand in Oceanside California
walkerg49: Tiny
walkerg49: To go away cake
walkerg49: Mother and the rest of the employees of handy Andy
walkerg49: Mr. Griffith the store manager brought the cake out to surprise me
walkerg49: Anthony my roommate
walkerg49: Sonny's house out in Fredericksburg
walkerg49: Gone With Wind
walkerg49: My Christmas tree it home Austin Texas
walkerg49: Texas state capital Austin Texas
walkerg49: image
walkerg49: image
walkerg49: image
walkerg49: image
walkerg49: image
walkerg49: image
walkerg49: image
walkerg49: image